A diagram showing what TMJ effects

What is TMJ/TMD?

“TMJ” refers to the temporomandibular joint and any dysfunction/disorder of the jaw is referred to as “TMD”.

The TMJ is a complex joint as it acts as both a rotational (moving up and down) and a translational (backwards and forwards) joint.

Many TMD symptoms are caused by the effects of physical and emotional stress while others can be caused by trauma to the head, neck or jaw, bite imbalances, muscular tension, or previous dental procedures (e.g. overbuilt crowns or bridges).

Symptoms of TMJ/D can vary from mild discomfort to excruciating, debilitating pain that can often be mistaken for other health issues.

The most common symptoms of TMD include:

  • Limited opening/movement

  • Locking of jaw

  • Radiating pain in the facial muscles, neck, or shoulders

  • Painful clicking or popping sounds in the TMJ when opening or closing the mouth

  • Tinnitus

  • Migraines/headaches

  • In some cases, symptoms such as earaches, dizziness, and hearing problems may be related to TMD.

if you like to find out more information on TMD and assess whether you may be suffering from this condition, please feel free to call us on (07) 3397 0610.