
Bruxism, often characterized by excessive clenching, teeth grinding, or chewing, can have far-reaching effects beyond just dental issues.

Bruxism can lead to significant wear and tear on your teeth, resulting in permanent enamel loss, cracked or split teeth, and even damage to your jaw joints. It's a condition that can affect individuals of all ages, occurring both during the day and at night.

Understanding the root causes of bruxism involves exploring various physical and psychological factors, including stress, anxiety, sleep disorders, abnormal bite alignment, and other health conditions. Recognizing the signs and symptoms of bruxism is crucial, as they can manifest in chronic facial pain, tension headaches, audible grinding sounds, dental damage, jaw clicking, and muscular stiffness.


Occlusal Splint

Treatment options for bruxism range from stress management and relaxation techniques to behaviour modification strategies. For night time bruxism, we offer occlusal splint therapy, where custom-made night guards fabricated by our own Prosthetist, are provided to protect your teeth from further damage. These splints not only protect your teeth from wear and tear but also help improve overall comfort during sleep.

We take a comprehensive approach to treating bruxism and its associated symptoms. For individuals experiencing additional symptoms such as head, neck, and jaw pain, we may recommend orthotic TMD (Temporomandibular Disorder) devices. These custom-made devices are designed to address muscle tension, joint issues, and pain in a holistic manner.


Repairing damage caused by bruxism may involve a combination of dental treatments such as fillings, crowns, inlays, and possibly root canal therapy for more severe cases. Our team is dedicated to restoring your dental health and overall well-being through personalized treatment plans tailored to your needs.

Experience the difference at Friendly Smiles Dental, where we prioritize your holistic health alongside your dental care.