The process of removing decay and getting a white filling

Restorative Dentistry

There are several forms of restorative dentistry that can be categorised as restorative procedures such as crowns, bridges, and dentures however the most common daily restorative procedures completed are fillings.

Dental restorative materials are specially fabricated materials designed to restore the function, integrity, and morphology of missing tooth structures, usually resulting from dental caries but not limited.

In Dentistry today, the most common restorative material is composite ‘white’ fillings as they have proven to be most effective, safe, and relatively long term depending on a person’s oral health. At Friendly Smiles Dental we use a German-made material called Admira Fusion. Admira Fusion is the worldwide first organic ceramic-based material used for dental fillings.

Benefits of Admira Fusion Material:

  • State of the art ceramic-based restorative material

  • Perfect aesthetic

  • Reduced allergy potential in comparison with conventional composite fillings

  • Preservation of healthy tooth structure due to selective removal of dental decay in contrast to mercury/amalgam restoration

Unlike metal fillings, composite restorations do not expand or contract with temperature changes which occur in the mouth, this reduces the chances of tooth fracture and material leakage. Other composite materials may also have a large percentage of inorganic components which can be unfavorable to our long-term health.

At Friendly Smiles Dental we pick our materials based on our philosophy, which is achieving optimum oral health for our individual patients. We choose our materials, equipment, and our time with this in mind.

If you have any questions or would like to book an appointment please feel free to phone one of our friendly staff on (07) 3397 0610.