The stages of gum disease

Periodontal (Gum) Disease

Periodontal disease is a slowly progressing disease that destroys the tissues that hold your teeth in place. Majority of the time you may not be aware of or notice any changes. Typical signs of periodontal disease include red or swollen gums, bleeding gums, loose teeth, receding gums, and bad breath that won’t go away.

The main two forms of periodontal disease are Gingivitis (Gum Inflammation) and Periodontitis (Gum disease).

Gingivitis is inflammation of the gums caused by plaque not being effectively removed properly and consistently. Gingivitis is reversible and with proper care and cleaning does not cause permanent damage to the underlying tissues. If Gingivitis continues to progress without treatment, it may lead to Periodontitis.

Periodontitis is an irreversible condition in which the bacterial products destroy and cause loss of the gum tissues which holds the tooth in place. Periodontitis affects the connective tissues which are situated between the gum and the surface of the root. Formation of pockets or gaps are created in which the plaque/bacteria accumulate, this area cannot be cleaned with toothbrushing.

We assess and examine your gums and medical history to identify risk factors that may contribute to your gum disease. We use equipment to check for periodontal pockets in the mouth and radiographs to assess the amount of bone destructions. Depending on the severity we may refer you to our trusted periodontist for specialist care.

When treating periodontitis the goal is to control the inflammation and any infections that may be present. This is achieved by professionally cleaning the pockets or gaps where the plaque/bacteria have developed. By doing this it is preventing further damage to the surrounding bone and tissues.

Tips on how to keep your gums healthy

  • Brushing twice a day

  • Using a water flosser/floss daily to help remove plaque between the teeth

  • Regular 6 monthly dental visits or as recommended by your Dentist

  • Eliminating habits such as Smoking

If you have any questions or would like to book an appointment please don’t hesitate to phone one of our friendly staff on (07) 3397 0610.