Example of a tooth needing extraction


Extractions are performed for a wide variety of reasons: tooth decay, infection, extra teeth, gum disease, or preparation for orthodontic work are some examples of why teeth are removed.

Some teeth can simply be removed under local anesthetic whilst others that are heavily broken, fused to the bone, or impacted (wisdom teeth) may require minor oral surgery.

Dentistry has come a long way, and so has its technology. This practice has invested in the ultimate equipment for extractions. This technology, along with experienced hands will allow your extraction to be completed in a more manageable way. We understand that having teeth removed can be unsettling, but our objective is to make your experience as pleasant as possible. Nitrous oxide and music are available if required to help you relax and make the experience a little less daunting.

If you have any questions or would like to book an appointment please don’t hesitate to phone one of our friendly staff on (07) 3397 0610.