3D render of a tooth on an emergency kit

Emergency Dental

At Friendly Smiles Dental we aim to provide time and pain relief for toothaches, especially the ones that pop up at the most inconvenient times. We aim to provide emergency appointments for all patients and have allocated time each day. If you are suffering from a painful tooth or any trauma involving your teeth or mouth, bleeding, infections and swelling contact us immediately to schedule an appointment at your earliest convenience. If you have any swelling or the toothache is keeping you up at night, we advise you to call us immediately for treatment.

What do in these following events;

Broken tooth/filling

A fractured tooth or broken filling can in most cases be restored. If you are experiencing sensitivity or pain, avoid hot and cold and biting on that tooth until we see you. We do recommend restoration of the tooth as quickly as possible to prevent further damage to the tooth.

Crown fell out

Fractured crowns or veneers most of the time can be re-cemented. Please try and keep the crown/veneer safe if it has fallen out and contact our clinic immediately to avoid further complications.

Broken denture

If you have a broken removable denture this can be fixed relatively quickly. We recommend contacting us immediately to organize repair. Please do not try and repair it at home this may often make the repair process difficult.

Knocked out tooth

In the event of an adult tooth knockout, please remain calm and seek emergency dental care. If you need to handle the tooth please keep in mind to avoid handling the roots of the tooth and only touch the top of the tooth only. Please do not rub or remove any tissues from the tooth. Keep the tooth clean and rinse it with milk or a saline solution if it needs to be washed. It is very important not to let the tooth dry out and contact our clinic immediately.

In case of a child (baby) tooth knock out, please avoid re-implanting the tooth in the socket as this may cause damage to the developing adult tooth. Keep the tooth in milk/saline and bring it to your appointment. 

Abscess, swelling, and infection

Facial swelling associated with a tooth abscess can be caused by an infection inside of the tooth, gum, or trauma to the area. Some of the symptoms which may be associated with a tooth abscess include:

  • Toothache

  • Pus-filled swelling

  • Red, sore, and throbbing gums or face

  • Bad taste

  • Tooth sensitivity to changes in temperature or pressure

  • Fever

  • Swollen glands

  • Swollen upper and lower jaw

  • Difficulty swallowing

  • Difficulty opening your mouth

  • Nausea or vomiting

Please contact our clinic or emergency dental service immediately as a dental abscess will not heal itself and become potentially serious if left untreated. Please be aware that your local GP can also prescribe antibiotics however the pain relief associated with this does not mean it has removed the source of infection. An emergency dental appointment is necessary to start the process of removing the source of infection.

Bitten lip, cheek, or gum injury

If you have bitten your lips or cheeks possibly due to trauma or post-local anesthesia, we recommend treating the area with saltwater mouth rinses (half a teaspoon of salt in 1 cup of lukewarm water) and apply pressure for at least 10min to stop bleeding. These events may happen if a patient has numb lips and has damaged the oral mucosa without being aware. Please be very careful post-numbing of the area, and avoid chewing on hard or hot food until numbing wears off.

If you are concerned about infection, please call our clinic on (07) 3397 0610 immediately or your local GP to avoid further damage.