3D render of a dental crown

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns, also known as dental caps, are a popular type of dental restoration that completely caps/covers a tooth. A crown may be needed when a tooth is at risk of fracturing resulting from any of the following reasons: a large cavity, previous root canal, or heavily restored. The purpose of a crown is to protect and prevent the remaining tooth structure from fracturing which in some cases can lead to irreversible damage resulting in the tooth needing to be extracted.

Dental crowns can be made in a variety of different materials depending on tooth location, the strength required, or appearance. The common materials that are used are porcelain, porcelain fused to metal, gold, ceramic, and zirconia. Each material has different advantages and disadvantages.

3D render of a dental bridge

Dental Bridges

A Dental Bridge is generally made up of one or more crowns all joined together with a false tooth in the middle which is designed to replace a missing tooth. Unlike a denture which is a removable option to replace missing teeth, bridges are permanently fixed to the neighboring teeth.

Similar to dental crowns, bridges are also made in a variety of different materials.

What materials do we use?

At Friendly Smiles Dental we mainly use Zirconia as a material for your crowns and bridges as it is the strongest all-ceramic coping material available today. Due to its strength, the chances of erosion to occur are minimal.

When looking at a Zirconium crown from an aesthetic point of view, it provides a natural appearance even allowing light to pass through the tooth in a natural way, as opposed to other metal crowns. It is also known for its “biocompatible” aspects.

Zirconia is recognised as a non-allergic element as the body does not reject it unlike other mercury/amalgam fillings and metal alloys.

Our dentist will recommend one of these options based on individual needs and circumstances.

Australian Laboratories

At Friendly Smiles Dental we use the most reputable and trusted Australian laboratories and therefore we can ensure the quality of your porcelain. All dental laboratory work is carried out in Australia without any exception and is finished according to Australian Therapeutic Standards.

If you would like more information or would like to book an appointment please phone one of our friendly staff today on (07) 3397 0610.